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    Digitalia have been established as a research plan on new media and communication, and evolved through the decades under many juridical entities.

    Main research focus have been Human-Machine Interfaces, UI design, ergonomics, usability, knowledge visualization and interaction techniques, computer graphics, digital SFX, CG simulations and impact evaluation, advanced technologies engineering, education.

    Main fields of applications started with one-way vertical media available then (radio, television, big screen and paper), evolving to bidirectional and multidirectional horizontal media − in the meanwhile that they were invented − as digital media, the Internet and the so-called Social Networks.

    The project germinated in 1985 between Fabio Castellano and Daniele Colajacomo with "juvenile entrepreneurship" venture funds, and through the years the journey was shared mainly with (as associated, partners or collaborators):

    Alessandro Aldisio
    Franco Brancatella
    Marco Finoia
    Alessandro Furlan
    Massimo Palmieri
    Gianni Rufini
    Stefania Trifoni
    Deirdre Woode